The Team

George Lecakes, PhD in his basement office.

George Lecakes Jr., PhD

Hello everyone, I am the founder of Oort Cloud Entertainment LLC and have spent the last 20 years of my life dedicated to computer graphics, games, and all things virtual reality. I started off at a young age using the Build Engine packaged with Duke Nukem 3D to create my first levels. Then I moved onto the Unreal engine in high school, learning the basics of carving out brushes. While I tried to learn some basic 3D modeling through a drafting course in high school, it wasn’t until college that I finally learned the proper way to 3D model through a series of courses offered on 3D Buzz.

During my time completing my Civil and Environmental Engineering degree, I was part of a series of engineering projects for NASA, which led to my Masters studies. I continued to hone may craft, moving into Virtual Reality on large-panel devices and walk-in systems such as the CAVE.

From there, I was hired as Director of the Rowan Virtual Reality Center where I continued to work on grant sponsored projects from both private and public sector funders while working on my PhD in Engineering.

Now that I have finished my PhD, the next obvious goal was to either go into academia as a faculty member or pursue my own interests. And during the Summer of 2022, I decided to chase my passion for games by starting my own company.




  • Unity Certified Associate Game Developer

  • Unity Certified Associate Artist

  • Unity Certified Associate Programmer

  • Unity Certified Expert Programmer